Dental Implants Buckhannon, WV

At Conde Family Dental, missing teeth are no longer a barrier to a radiant, confident smile. Our Buckhannon patients can explore the many benefits of dental implants. With dental implants, patients no longer have to worry about constant restorations or slipping dentures. The transformative power of dental implants offers more than just replacing missing teeth. They are devices that blend with your natural smile and preserve the integrity of your jaw and remaining teeth. 

Dental Implants in Buckhannon, WV

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are state-of-the-art replacements for missing teeth. They have three main components: the implant post, abutment, and crown. A surgeon will place the implant post into the jawbone to serve as a sturdy foundation for the restoration. The post is typically made of biocompatible titanium. The abutment connects the implant post to the crown. Of course, we make the crown blend with the rest of your natural teeth. 

At Conde Family Dental, we mainly do the crown restoration process for dental implants. We can recommend a local oral surgeon to place the titanium posts. For those missing a single tooth, the crown restoration process begins with placing the dental implant post. This post acts as an artificial tooth root. It stimulates the jawbone and prevents bone loss. Once the implant has integrated with the jawbone through osseointegration, we attach the abutment to the implant post.

Finally, we secure the custom-crafted dental crown onto the abutment. With this, we complete the restoration. The result is a durable, lifelike crown that looks, feels, and functions just like a natural tooth.

Choosing Dental Implants in Buckhannon, WC

Dental implants are a restoration like no other. Unlike dentures or dental crowns, dental implants can provide you with a lifetime of benefits. 

Renewed Smile: Picture this—dental implant crowns are like a makeover for your smile! They’re custom-crafted to fit in just right with your other teeth. We can give you a smile that shines with natural beauty and confidence.

Keeping Your Teeth Strong: Here’s the magic: unlike bridges that may need to touch your nearby teeth, implant crowns stand tall all on their own. This means your other teeth stay strong and healthy, just the way they should be.

Effortless Chewing and Speaking: With the sturdy support of dental implant crowns, biting into your favorite foods becomes a breeze. Say goodbye to worries about discomfort or trouble speaking clearly—these crowns have got you covered.

Natural Feel and Look: Imagine running your tongue over your teeth and feeling… nothing out of the ordinary! That’s the beauty of dental implants. They feel just like your real teeth, blending in seamlessly for a smile that’s uniquely yours. You may even forget they are there! At least, other people may not be able to tell the difference. 

Long-lasting Smiles: Crafted from strong materials, like titanium, these crowns are built to last a lifetime with a little bit of care. So you can enjoy your beautiful smile day after day, year after year.

Implants vs. Bridges

While dental bridges are a common solution for replacing missing teeth, they have limitations compared to dental implants. Dental bridges rely on neighboring teeth for support. Unfortunately, this may require the alteration of healthy tooth structure. In contrast, dental implants are independent restorations that do not rely on adjacent teeth. This preserves the strength of nearby teeth and prevents potential damage.